The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society is pleased to announce the 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, to be held in Berlin, Germany from July 23–27, 2019. The overarching theme is “Biomedical engineering ranging from wellness to intensive care”. Consistent with our theme, we have arranged plenary keynotes from leading academic and industrial scientists, who will present aspects of innovation and translational engineering in biomedicine. The scientific tracks will cover the standard topics of the EMBS technical committees. Beside the scientific sessions, the congress exhibition will show biomedical companies, start-ups, biomedical institutes, universities, and provide networking opportunities for engineers, clinicians, other scientists, entrepreneurs and students. Cutting-edge research and innovation in biomedical engineering, healthcare technology and medical informatics will all be covered in this large conference. The conference program consists of mini symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, sessions for students and young professionals, sessions for clinicians and entrepreneurs, and a large exhibition. The conference will be held in Berlin, which is currently developing a major healthcare hub in Germany with three universities, the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Healthcapital, and more than 100 regional companies active in the healthcare business.
Date: July 23– 27, 2019
Location: Berlin, Germany